I am undertaking a military history research degree and as a topic have chosen the cohesion of Wellingtons Army during the Peninsular War, examining the cohesion of the Seventh Division as an example. Part of the metrics I intend to use to quantify, if possible, is to look at the monthly regimental returns. I have, however. hit difficulties in obtaining information on the portugese brigade and am appealing for assistance. Unfortunately I do not speak portugese so any help will be extremely well received.
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Cheers very much appreciated
Hello Neil.
The Portuguese monthly returns are available in the Arquivo Histórico Militar (Portuguese Military Archive) in Lisbon.
I saw those large tables when I visited the archive some time ago. Unfortunately they were not scanned and available in the archive site.
I'm sure that the information required is available in the British archives since Wellington also sent the information to the British government. As an example I attach the only return that I have, prepared by the Adjutant General department . This set is available on the Portuguese National Arquives (Torre do Tombo).
Best wishes Moisés