Well better wait for the book of L. Dawson, because he will demolish a lot of hitherto believed sources by using inspection reports what the units did wear, the Spain volitgeur of 1809, yellow cuff flaps - realy? The paper soldiers of the Carl collection are post Napoleonic and also not realiable, I would not base anything on them.
Your e-mail regarding color of voltiguer company epaulette and pompon of the 96th regiment (Petit Soldats de Strasbourg doesn't appear to have the information).
This is from SEHRI saying Spain 1809:
Also from SEHRI for 1807:
Unfortunately Frederic Berjaud's excellent website doesn't yet cover the 96th.
There are some other illustrations of the 96th drummer which suggests a pinkish rather than a red facing....
Thank you. That was my finding as well.96th are what i was looking for, red lapel and facing with silver/white lining. 26th have red lapel but have tricolor lining.12th have yellow lining.
Voltigeur drummer for the 96th Line in 1808 with red facing, edged white, yellow collar edged white, plume red over yellow atop a green pompom, green cords, green epaulettes with yellow crescents.
Fusilier drummer for the 96th line in 1809 with red facing, edged white, red collar edged white, what looks like blue shoulder straps edged red, white shako cords, yellow pompom.
Fusiler drummer for 26th Line in 1809 with red facings edged in a pattern of white, red & blue, red collar with same edging, blue shoulder straps, red epaulttes edged as for the facings, white shako cords, red over green plume atop of green pompom
12th Line also appears to be case but coloured drawing is incomplete....
In all cases turnbacks are red - no sign of any plain silver lining.
But of course all of this may yet be consigned to the dustbin following Dawson's latest research when published.
Well better wait for the book of L. Dawson, because he will demolish a lot of hitherto believed sources by using inspection reports what the units did wear, the Spain volitgeur of 1809, yellow cuff flaps - realy? The paper soldiers of the Carl collection are post Napoleonic and also not realiable, I would not base anything on them.
Alfons website at MINIATURAS MILITARES POR ALFONS CÀNOVAS (miniaturasmilitaresalfonscanovas.blogspot.com)
what are those SEHRI and Alfonso sites?
Thanks a lot guys!
Jean-Claude Colrat infographie
This is the epro of the Petits Soldats plate from Alfons website
From Uniformes des régiments d ' infanterie et de ligne sous le Consulat et le 1er Empire / aquarelles par E. Fort Uniformes des régiments d'infanterie et de ligne sous le Consulat et le 1er Empire / aquarelles par E. Fort | Gallica (bnf.fr)
Hi Bosko,
Your e-mail regarding color of voltiguer company epaulette and pompon of the 96th regiment (Petit Soldats de Strasbourg doesn't appear to have the information).
This is from SEHRI saying Spain 1809:
Also from SEHRI for 1807:
Unfortunately Frederic Berjaud's excellent website doesn't yet cover the 96th.
There are some other illustrations of the 96th drummer which suggests a pinkish rather than a red facing....
As note picture i saw has drummer of the 96th with red shoulders.
Thank you. That was my finding as well. 96th are what i was looking for, red lapel and facing with silver/white lining. 26th have red lapel but have tricolor lining. 12th have yellow lining.
Petit Soldats de Strasbourg has:
Voltigeur drummer for the 96th Line in 1808 with red facing, edged white, yellow collar edged white, plume red over yellow atop a green pompom, green cords, green epaulettes with yellow crescents.
Fusilier drummer for the 96th line in 1809 with red facing, edged white, red collar edged white, what looks like blue shoulder straps edged red, white shako cords, yellow pompom.
Fusiler drummer for 26th Line in 1809 with red facings edged in a pattern of white, red & blue, red collar with same edging, blue shoulder straps, red epaulttes edged as for the facings, white shako cords, red over green plume atop of green pompom
12th Line also appears to be case but coloured drawing is incomplete....
In all cases turnbacks are red - no sign of any plain silver lining.
But of course all of this may yet be consigned to the dustbin following Dawson's latest research when published.