I would be grateful for any pointers to referenced French orbats,, for the commencement of the 1812 campaign, which show command structure (at least to divisional level) as well as regimental units, and cites sources (i.e. something like Lieven's in his Russia against Napoleon). Chandler, in his campaigns, cites R G Burton. But checking Burton, I find it quite light and thus wonder where Chandler's detail came from. There is a detailed Borodino orbat at http://www.napolun.com/mirror/napoleonistyka.atspace.com/French_Russian_order_of_battle_Borodino.htm but without sources, so I am reluctant to refer to it - and of course being only Borodino, it omits the campaign flanks. I've searched for George Nafziger's orbats but the US Army, to whom he donated them, seem to have removed them.
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there is also a good article in one of the numbers of Revues des études historiques -
Les effecitfs de la Grande Armée pour la Campagne de Russie 1812
by Robert Villatte des Prugnes
I downloaded the article from Gallica, but cannot find unfortunately the link any longer
Dear Mr. Rooney, suggest you look at the essay François Houdecek provides in vol. XII of the (amazing) Correspondance Générale published by the Fondation Napoléon: LA GRANDE ARMÉE DE 1812:ORGANISATION À L’ENTRÉE EN CAMPAGNE
A good starting point with quite an extensive OdB
Histoire de la campagne de Russie pendant l'année 1812 by Marco de Saint Hilaire - go to page 371
Volume I of Fabry can be found here:
Thanks Kevin. I've just downloaded the first volume but can't see an orbat. There might be sufficient detail in the text to construct my own, but I was hoping somebody might have done that somewhere already. Or is that the holy grail?
I've just seen your edit reference to Nafziger. I have it, but not 'here', but can get it next week. Thanks
Have you checked or do you have access to Gabriel Fabry's Campagne de Russe, 1812?
Further, the Orders of Battle for both armies are in Appendix II of George Nafziger's Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, pages 387-420 which covers 1810-1811 and Appendix III, pages 421-572. They are quite extensive. If you don't have the book, you can find it here for a reasonable price: