There are lots of very interesting articles in this journal, interesting points of view, full diaries, like that of von Loßberg about his experiences in the French Revolutionary Wars, or a series about the 1796 campaign in Germany,
The SLUB in Dresden has very nice scans, including fold out maps - in contrast to google, almost complete
alas volume 72 is missing
in case you know a link for download on that one please let me know.
Also interesting would be a volume with contents.
For SLUB - see
Danke, Markus, just saw this--very hilfreich indeed!
As H–K notes, this can be a useful source as with the ömZ: one reads the articles, assesses the authors and their accounts and makes up one's own mind regarding which parts makes sense and which are questionable.
Some time ago I started a list with contents - I'll continue this work later on. I added the last version.
@Hans-Karl: I shared some other volumes on my online drive
Greetings from Berlin
Markus Stein
Sometimes it is given - or hinted, C.v.W. for example - is Müffling, but in the end yes, unfortunately not as transparent as we would wish today, and some statements in some articles are just bullsh. - like the French raised special battalions equipped with rifles and hunting guns in 1796 and the Austrians had nothing like that!!
As usual one will see in the context how well informed the author was, like Loßberg, publishing his diary - which is a first class source, others are less so, it is like in the Österreichischen Militär Wochenblatt.
Very interesting find! Just read in Vol. 20 (1830) an interesting article about the "Schlacht an der Katzbach". The only thing which disturbs me is , that the authors of all the articles in these journals are unknown. The editors of the journals are C. von Decker and L Blesson. I assume these are Generalmajor Carl von Decker, who was responsible for publishing the "Militär-Wochenblatt" since 1816. He had quite an interesting military career. As a young officer he earned the Pour le merite after his action in the Battle of Preußisch-Eylau. The other editor is Ludwig Blesson, a well known prussian Ingenieur-officer, who wrote several articles about fortifications and siege warfare...
Hans - Karl, do you by chance know where to find the names of the authors of the articles in these volumes?
Thanks to Oliver Schmidt I was made aware that in Band 60 - volume 60 there is a chapter about contents from 1824 - 1843 (inclusive)
Also in the last issue fairly at the end, also thanks to Oliver Schmidt, here also a link