As of 0001 hours (Eastern Daylight Time) 1 February 2020 the Napoleon Series Forum is now read only. On 1 March it will go off line forever. Below are some interesting statistics about its 18 year run.
The forum was set up 99 months ago in November 2001.
There are 1079 user profiles.
There have been 192426 messages posted.
The average number of postings per day: 32
The average number of postings per month: 1948
The average number of postings per year: 10543
The first saved message was posted by Hans Karl Weiss on 7 November 2001 at 2:20 pm. It was on French Carabiniers and whether they wore mustaches.
The last saved message was posted by Christian Brochet on 31 January 2020 at 10:49 pm. It was on Klein's Dragoon Division.
Thanks! I just noticed my math was off. . . it was set up 219 months ago, not 99 months. . . 18 years 3 months ago.
The greatest Napoleonic Wars forum of our time is now lying in state. I can't help looking at this forum and feeling like the second Duke of Wellington: How disappointed will people be when they announce the Duke of Wellington, and I walk in. It's a spectacular achievement Bob. I do hope you are proud of what you built for us.