Hello, I followed the Napoleon Series discussion forum for quite a long time but wasn't able to join the discussion for some technical problems....
Glad to have the chance to join via thenapoleonicwars.net forum!
I'm currently trying to track down the personnel of a french divisonal staff. What I have is: A général de division as commanding general with up to three aides de camps, an adjudant commandant as chief of staff with three or more officiers adjudants and one officier d'ordonance of the light cavallery brigade attached to the corps d'armée. Furthermore the commandant of artillery (Chef de batallion) supported by another officer and perhaps a conducteur of the train d'artillerie, one or two officers of the génie, the vaguemestre, the commanding officer (or NCO) of the gendarmes, the commanding officer (or NCO) of the reconnaisance patrol (ca 10 men taken from a regiment of the light cavalry...) and of course the générals de brigade with their aides de camp. For the administative part there are a commissaire des guerres and a sous-inspecteur des revues... Are there any other officers who belonged to a divisional staff that I forgot to mention?
Also check
Foucart : Campagnes de Prusse et de Pologne, Tome II, p. 905 ff
He covers the EM but also the staff of corps d'armée
consult of a concise over view
De Philip : Le Service d'État.Major Pendant Les Guerres du Premier Empire
seeminlgy not available on line but please check also