I have some question about the 88 National Cohort battalions that later formed the 135th-156th line regiments.
Were they formed out of volunteers or were conscript drawn for them?
Is it true that they asked Napoleon to use them in the field?
When was it decided to make line regiments out of them and use them in the army outside of France?
With regards
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Who was as insane as to volunteer in 1812? As far as I am aware of, see above book - NG were raised by degrees of sentus consultus. Boney wouldn't ask anyone, also in case for that reason GN cohorts were transformed into line units which could be sent whereever Boney wanted to send them.
They were converted on 12th January of 1813.
Also it should be either in volume 19 or 20 of this series, I am too stupid to find those two volumes
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