How many of these were carried by a Hussar? In "Austrian Cavalry of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 172-1815" by Acerbi and Molnar the entry mention one gun holster and two "light cavalry pistole" (p.130). I have only seen a single pattern pistol, the M1798, apparently used by all cavalry. I believe Hussars inaddition to the sabre carried only a single pistol and a carbine (or in some cases a short rifle).
Two, one each in a holster either side of the horse’s shoulders, covered with red covers. The main pattern was the 1798, which had no ramrod. The ramrod was carried on a long, narrow belt attached to the cross belt and was used for both the pistol and carbine. The hussars carried a sabre with an 84cm blade and iron scabbard. The carbine was 85 cm long and weighing 2.45 kg with a large butt. The 1815-pattern hussar carbine had an even shorter barrel (75.7 cm). Six sharpshooters per squadron were issued with rifles. The rifle was heavy (4.4 kg) and was replaced by the shorter 1789-pattern modelled on a Prussian design. For further reference, there is the Osprey Warrior: Hungarian Hussar 1756-1815.