I noticed today that if I want to look up my comments I can only see one page with about 6 comments and I don't seem to have any way to access the rest. I can't go to a next page, nor can I scroll. Also, in the long posts the comments are ordered newest first and when reading a discussion you would want the oldest first. Another unfortunate result of this is as follows: of sub-comments only the first in the list are shown. In the order "newest first" these are off course the final comments. Unfortunately, when you reverse the order, still only the final sub-comments are displayed. In a long post ("Chief of Staff" for instance) you then have to expand the older sub-comments (eight at a time!) in order to be able to read from the beginning. An additional nuisance is that the eight older post then appear above your position rather than below.
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If I go to my account and click on Forum Comments on the left side of the page, all my comments come up on multiple pages. Is it possible you have more than one account?