1797. January. February. March… Three months in which the Austrians take on the French at Rivoli... An outnumbered Spanish fleet is outgunned by the British… And the Pope suffers yet another humiliation. This is episode 21 of the Napoleonic Quarterly – covering three months in which, for the first time in these wars, the Austrian capital comes under threat.
[02:00] - Comments on the contemporary situation in Ukraine
[10:06] - Headline developments for Q1-1797
[24:47] - Rick Schneid on the conclusion (very nearly) of the north Italian campaign, including the Battle of Rivoli
[41:00} - Rachel Blackman-Rogers on the Battle of Cape St Vincent
[1:03:17] - Mary Robinson on the Treaty of Tolentino, a disaster for the anti-French Papacy
[1:19:10] - Charles Esdaile and Alexander Mikaberidze assess the biggest question-marks of 31 March 1797
Another worthwhile episode to listen to, it is evident that in contrast to France - Austria alone cannot fight on two fronts, not even with the aid of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nations, as soon as Erzherzog Karl is re called from Germany, where he succeeded ousting the French, the French are on the move again in 1797 into Germany, sadly this aspect is not even mentioned in this episode.