Does anyone know of decent work on the JAGs Richard Ryder, Charles Manners Sutton, and Sir John Beckett? There seems to be very little on ODNB. Any thoughts or pointers would be hugely appreciated.
The History of Parliament Site has many biographies from our era. As one would expect they focus on the member's political career, but do give information on their military career when appropriate.
The History of Parliament Site has many biographies from our era. As one would expect they focus on the member's political career, but do give information on their military career when appropriate.
I am not sure how much info you are looking for. I did not find much on Ryder, however online there are:
Charles Manners Sutton:,_Charles_(1780-1845)_(DNB00),+Charles&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjX8dmZrM_nAhXBIjQIHd-kDqEQ6AEwCXoECAcQAg#v=onepage&q=Manners-Sutton%2C%20Charles&f=false
Sir John Becket: