'The French, in the three and a half centuries between about 1500 and 1850, developed all, or nearly all, the basic forms of modern technical education. And in the course of time, from Russia across western Europe and the United States to Japan, all countries modeled their technical schools on those of France. So, in the gradual transfer of technical training from an apprenticeship system where one learned a calling on the job to one where one learned much of his technical profession in a school, France played the dominant role.'-Page vii of the Preface to the book.
To be more specific, the British artillery school at Woolwich, the Austrian artillery school at Budweis, and West Point in the United States, were all modeled on the excellent French artillery schools.
The Development of Technical Education in France, 1500–1850 | The MIT Press
To be more specific, the British artillery school at Woolwich, the Austrian artillery school at Budweis, and West Point in the United States, were all modeled on the excellent French artillery schools.
or the other way round, again a useless blurb