"Apple Studios has committed to finance and produce Kitbag, the Napoleon Bonaparte epic that Ridley Scott will direct, with Oscar-winning Joker star Joaquin Phoenix playing the French emperor and military leader. Production will begin in early 2022 in the UK."
"We can now add a fourth reaction and it’s our first full-on negative one. This person did not like Scott’s 150 minute epic at all:
"The first footage for director Ridley Scott's new war film "Napoleon" (in theaters Nov. 22), starring Oscar winner Joaquin Phoenix ("Joker," "Beau Is Afraid") as emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, was revealed Monday evening to an enraptured crowd at the annual convention of theater owners and studios....The stunning and epic scene featured the combined Russian and Austrian armies invading the French army camp, though Napoleon has invited the attack and hidden his cannons. From higher ground and with snow whipping across the gray battlefield, Phoenix's character coolly sends waves of his soldiers and horses at their enemies, catching them off guard and sending them reeling in retreat.
But that's where the real carnage starts: When the invaders are on top of ice, the cannonballs rain down on them, sending soldiers into the bloody water as some of them drown and others are violently ripped apart."
And a cast of thousands...
A Cast of thousands
The OTHER Napoleon movie
Another review
"The battle scenes are all huge in scope and unique and probably the best of Scott’s career. I wouldn’t say Napoleon is whiny, but more that he’s an egomaniac and Phoenix does a great job of portraying that."
Not sure if this is good news or bad..