Heroes of Russia: SWAT 1812 of the year. Methodically, covertly, without guerrilla .... : https://en.topwar.ru/28768-geroi-rossii-specnaz-1812-goda-metodichno-skrytno-bez-partizanschiny.html
gibsonm1Oct 02The Battle of Waterloo by Air: Episode 1 - Gathering Storm - Did I miss the rest?LikeReactions02 comments2Views
Robert BurnhamSep 22Painting of Wellington Mourning General Craufurd in the Cathedral of Ciudad RodrigoLikeReactions00 comments0Views
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I checked with some intelligence sources. This would appear to be part of a major Russian effort to malign Napoleon and the French forces.
For your pleasure, I provide the original Russian text:
Вячеслав Чистяков. Герои России:: Спецназ 1812 года. Методично, скрытно, без партизанщины .... : vegchel.ru/index.php?newsid=22812
Of possible interest:
Кобяков, Юрий. "Спецназ" 1812 года. 2008. :
A not so good translation, well canal guard, who may that be? Marins de la Garde?
Also Figner is painted only in the brightest colour, how noble he is - despite fellow Russian officers were outraged how cold bloodily he killed POWs.
Then the partisans, iron discipline - really?