Hello everyone,
I wanted to know if St. Hilaire's 4th Division fought north of Ratisbonne on 15 April 1809 near Reinhausen?
I know fighting occurred on the 17th and 18th, but I found a service record that details an event that occurred around Reinhausen and the brigde over the Regen for an officer of the 10e Legere dated 15 Avril 1809, which he was decorated with the LdH on 25 Avril 1809.
Thank you for the help,
On this map you can see the bridge over the Regen. That's possibly the one mentioned in the service record of your officer...
Hello Michael,
on 15 April Saint-Hilaire had received orders to occupy Regensburg. On the same day he reported to Davout: "J'ai l'honneur de vous informer que je suis ici avec toute ma division. Je l'ai de suite placeé en partie comme si je devais être attaqué demain." (Saski)
This does not sound like his troops were engaged in fighting on the left bank of the Danube that day.
On the same day, Saint-Hilaire had reconnoitred the ridges that dominated Regensburg to find the optimal position for his division's bivouac. In the process, he discovered that the bridge leading across the Regen and connecting the towns of Stadt am Hof and Rheinhausen had already been destroyed.