L’Intransigenza nella Curia: il caso di Francesco Luigi Fontana (1750-1822)
M. Marco Ranica
Université Paris-Sud, 2017
Abstract :
This doctoral thesis is focused on the history of the Roman Church between the end of the 18th Century and the beginning of the 19th Century. Using Francesco Luigi Fontana’s biography, I will describe the ecclesiastical dynamics and the different sensibilities of the curiali (the members of the Roman Curia) who cooperated with the barnabite to find a solution for both intraecclesiali and extraecclesiali problems submitted to Rome from all over the world. Consequently I will outline the developments in policymaking, in order to represent a non-monolithic Roman Curia, in which –conversely– different solutions were examined before making a definitive political decision. Furthermore this doctoral thesis reflects upon the problems linked to the paradigm chosen and upon the opportunity to use a biography and the category of intransigenza –employed in this study to interpret the intellectual, political and ecclesiological opinions of the curiali– to determine the crucial issues and to identify the elements of continuity of ecclesiastical history.
L'Intransigenza nella Curia: il caso di Francesco Luigi Fontana (1750-1822) (archives-ouvertes.fr)