Hi I've been trying my best to find this book but after only seeing it for £245, which is way over budget, I was advised to contact him directly and buy copy from him. Does anyone have his email to do that ?
Have tried contacting his publisher? militaryhistorypress@comcast.net
I believe this is him:
Bowden Insurance Inc
600 W Park Row Dr
Arlington, TX 76010
Phone: (817) 261-3666
Agent: Scott Bowden
Go for the original, available for down load.
Cheers mate but I live in the North West so no chance of getting it but thanks though 👍
I don't know if you are anywhere near London, so doubt this helps, but its in the BL: http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?fn=search&ct=search&initialSearch=true&mode=Basic&tab=local_tab&indx=1&dum=true&srt=rank&vid=BLVU1&frbg=&tb=t&vl%28freeText0%29=Napoleon%27s+Finest%3A+Marshal+Louis+Davout+and+His+3rd+Corps%2C+Combat+Journal+of+Operations%2C+1805+-+1807&scp.scps=scope%3A%28BLCONTENT%29&vl%282084770704UI0%29=any&vl%282084770704UI0%29=title&vl%282084770704UI0%29=any
Its not in my local libraries though, so can't help on that score - sorry. I had a quick look on abe books and saw £750 quoted... Maybe put out a call on twitter to see if anyone has a second hand copy they'll sell you?