A Bernadotte Bibliography:
From The Bernadotte Series Forum:
Wencker, Friedrich. Bernadotte: A Biography. 1936. 316 p. :
Schmelter, Sandra. Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte - Karl XIV. Johan Ein französischer Bürger und Soldat wird schwedischer König. 2010. : https://www.grin.com/document/177349
Barton, Sir Dunbar Plunket, 1853-1937. The Amazing Career Of Bernadotte 1763 To 1844. 1929. 492 p. : https://books.google.com/books?id=xM4s4rfYhEEC
Barton, Sir Dunbar Plunket, 1853-1937. Bernadotte: The First Phase, 1763-1799. 1914. 532 p. : https://books.google.com/books?id=hf1oAAAAMAAJ https://archive.org/details/bernadottefirstp00bart
Saurau, Franz Joseph von, 1760-1832. Bernadotte's Friedens- und Kriegsgeschichte. 1799. 26 p. : http://digital.slub-dresden.de/id360637604
A faithful account of the riot in Vienna, 13th April 1798, occasioned by the French Ambassador's [General Bernadotte] hoisting in that City the National Flag of France. By an Eye-Witness. Translated from the German. 1798. : http://books.google.com/books?vid=BL:A0018301121
German text: https://reader.digitale-sammlungen.de/resolve/display/bsb10008762.html
Casati de Casatis, C. Charles (1833-1919). Le général Bernadotte, ambassadeur à Vienne et ministre de la guerre sous le directoire.... 1899. 16 p. Extrait des "Actes du Congrès d'histoire diplomatique de La Haye". Septembre 1898. : Also, see: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b105691636?rk=21459;2
Møller, J. Biografisk Skildring af Marschal J. Bernadotte, Prinds af Ponte Corvo og udkaaret Kronprinds af Sverrig. 1810. 24 p. : http://www5.kb.dk/e-mat/dod/114128019288_color.pdf
Lindh, Hazel Fredericka Charlotte. The Election of Bernadotte: As Prince Royal of Sweden, 1810. 1918. 274 p. : https://books.google.com/books?id=0fRGAQAAMAAJ
Coquelle, Pierre, 1858-1 Napoléon et la Suède (L'élection de Bernadotte) : D'après les documents inédits des archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères et des Archives nationales ... 1907. 32 p. : http://hdl.handle.net/2027/njp.32101074253871
Daumont, Alexandre. Voyage en Suède contenant des notions étendues sur le commerce ... avec des détails sur le gouvernement du roi Charles XIV Jean (Bernadotte), et sur les causes qui amenèrent son élévation au trône de Suède. 2 vols. 1834: Gale on-line,
Barton, Sir Dunbar Plunket, 1853-1937. Bernadotte and Napoleon, 1763-1810. 1921. : https://archive.org/details/cu31924028418527
Blomberg, Anton. Marskalk Bernadotte och hans tid 1763-1810. 2 v. in 1. 1899. : http://hdl.handle.net/2027/wu.89097396840
Rede des französischen Divisions-Generalen Bernadotte an den Rath der Fünfhunderten zu Paris. Welcher 328 Offiziere von der französischen Arme beistimmten. 1809. 3 p. : https://books.google.com/books?vid=BL:A0020676098
Coquelle, Pierre, 1858-1 Napoléon et Bernadotte en 1811 : la mission d'Alquier à Stockholm / d'après les documents inédits des Archives des affaires étrangères, à Paris. 1909. 24 p. :
Barton, Sir Dunbar Plunket, 1853-1937. Bernadotte, Prince and King, 1810-1844. 1925. 248 p. : https://books.google.com/books?id=xW5pAAAAMAAJ
Haedecke, Richard, 1891-. Bernadotte und die Schlacht bei Dennewitz. 1915. 48 p. : https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.b2619004
Stael, Anne-Louise-Germaine. An appeal to the nations of Europe against the continental system published at Stockholm, by authority of Bernadotte, in March, 1813. 64 p. :
https://archive.org/details/appealtonationso00sta http://books.google.com/books?vid=BL:A0022222694
Duval de Fréjacques, Jules (1853-1907). Napoléon, Bulow et Bernadotte, 1813 (offensives contre Berlin). 1906. 90 p. : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k930995b
Schefer, Christian. Bernadotte, roi (1810-1818-1844). 1899. 321 p. : https://archive.org/details/bernadotteroi00schegoog
Pingaud, Léonce, 1841-1923. Bernadotte, Napoléon et les Bourbons (1797-1844). 19-0. 476 p. : https://archive.org/details/bernadottenapol00pinggoog
Touchard-Lafosse, Georges. Carl XIV.: (Johann Bernadotte), König von Schweden und Norwegen. 2 vols. 2e ed. 1858. :
Vol. 1 (1858): https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_F89AAAAAcAAJ
Vol. 2 (1858): https://archive.org/details/histoiredecharl03chargoog
French ed. 3 vols. 1838:
Vol. 1: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k55578631?rk=42918;4
Vol. 2: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5548562m?rk=64378;0
Vol. 3: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5548546h?rk=21459;2
Correspondance de Bernadotte, prince royal de Suède, avec Napoléon, depuis 1810 jusqu'en 1814, précédée de notices sur la situation de la Suède, depuis son élévation au trône des Scandinaves, pièces officielles recueillies et publiées par M. Bail,... 1819. : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k61529187
Recueil de lettres, proclamations et discours de Charles XIV Jean, roi de Suède et de Norvège. 2 vols. 1858. 2e ed. :
Vol. 1: https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_F89AAAAAcAAJ
Vol. 2: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=umn.31951001253878d
Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de Charles-XIV-Jean, roi de Suède et de Norvège.
Vol. 1 (1820): https://archive.org/details/mmoirespourser01coup
Vol. 2 (1820): https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=umn.31951001254318a
Sørensen, Carl Theodor, 1824-1914. Bernadotte i Norden; eller, Norges adskillelse fra Danmark og forening med Sverig. 3 vols. :
Vol. 1 (1903): https://archive.org/details/bernadotteinord02srgoog
Vol. 2 (1903): https://archive.org/details/bernadotteinord00srgoog
Vol. 3:(1904): https://archive.org/details/bernadotteinord01srgoog
Alm, Mikael; Johansson, Brittinger. Script of Kingship:Essays on Bernadotte and Dynastic Formation in an Age of Revolution. 2008. The English Historical Review, Volume CXXV, Issue 512, February 2010, Pages 205–208: https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/cep394 http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:45551/FULLTEXT01.pdf
LES AMIS DE BERNADOTTE: A very useful site:
A nice discussion of titles in a Bernadotte bibliography:
Jean-Marc Olivier. Bernadotte Revisited, or the Complexity of a Long Reign (1810-1844). In Nordic Historical Review, n° 2, October 2006, p. 127-138. :
There are two great stories I have read on Bernadotte after he had turned on France were (1) during the siege of Antwerp in 1814 when Bernadotte sent an aide-de-camp under a flag of truce in an attempt to cajole Carnot into surrendering the fortress. Carnot's blunt refusal 'addressed Bernadotte as 'a prince, born a Frenchman, who knows so much about the standards of honorable conduct''; and (2) an old soldier's 'yarn' that had Bernadotte 'demanding a parley' with the commander of a fortress in Germany held by the French. Apparently, so the story goes, a sentry quickly fired at him, and Bernadotte protested at this seeming disrespect of a flag of truce. Bernadotte was told, undoubtedly straight faced, that the sentry was merely attempting to 'apprehend a French deserter.' Too bad the sentry missed.
A german book published 1814: Karl Johann, Kronprinz von Schweden. Eine Skizze seiner Denkwürdigkeiten mit Hinsicht auf Schwedens Thronveränderung und neueste politische Verhältnisse. Berlin 1814.
That's certainly a well appreciated compilation! For what it's worth here's my linkless list of Bernadotte bios in English
MEMORIALS OF CHARLES JOHN, KING OF SWEDEN AND NORWAY, by William George Meredith, 1829, London
A QUEEN OF NAPOLEON’S COURT: THE LIFE STORY OF DESIREE BERNADOTTE, by Catherine Bearne, E.P. Dutton and Co., New York, 1905
BERNADOTTE: THE FIRST PHASE 1763-1799, by D. Plunket Barton, Charles Scribner & Sons, 1914, New York
BERNADOTTE AND NAPOLEON: SECOND PHASE 1763-1810, by D. Plunket Barton, John Murray, London, 1914. Charles Scribner & Sons, 1914, New York
BERNADOTTE CROWN PRINCE AND KING: THIRD PHASE 1810-1844, by D. Plunket Barton, Charles Scribner & Sons, 1914, New York
BERNADOTTE AND THE FALL OF NAPOLEON, by Franklin D. Scott, Harvard University Press, 1935, Cambridge Mass.
BERNADOTTE A BIOGRAPHY, by Friedrich Wencker-Wildberg, Jarrolds, London, 1936
BERNADOTTE, Marshal of France and King of Sweden, by Lord Russell of Liverpool, Ascent Books, 1981, London
BERNADOTTE: NAPOLEON’S MARSHAL, SWEDEN’S KING, by Alan Palmer, John Murray Publishers LTD., 1991, London
a good discussion of some sources about the Prince de Ponte Corvo - or according to Boney the miserable Prince de Ponte Corvo - just a few more -
Bernadotte revisited discusses several biographies and works and the person https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280782308_Bernadotte_Revisited_or_the_Complexity_of_a_Long_Reign_1810-1844
Also a good article by Robert Ouvrad 14 octobre 1806 – La bataille d’Auerstaedt – L’affaire Bernadotte https://www.napoleon-histoire.com/14-octobre-1806-bataille-d-auerstaedt-l-affaire-bernadotte/
also in the
Revue Napoléonienne - dirigé de Albert Lumbroso Avril - Septembre 1903 Le Maréchal Bernadotte et la Manoeuvre d'Jena by Titeux a superb article - a must read indeed about that subject, I cannot find a online link, I got my pdf thanks to my friend and mentor Steve Smith.
Les armees europeennes de Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte (1805-1814) Antoine Desdoit, Jean-Marc Olivier https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00963843
another in my view very important bio, for a change in German
by Klaeber here just the contents http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/exlibris/aleph/a22_1/apache_media/6AYKISQNY63QIS4DSAS5EE9BDXMP86.pdf and for zoners https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001858130
Pourquoi le maréchal Bernadotte ne parut ni à Iena, ni à Auerstädt, ni à Eylau by L. Picard in Revue Militaire Suisse - Band 52, Jahr 1907, Heft 5 https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?pid=rms-001:1907:52::365#365
Duval : Napoléon, Bulow et Bernadotte - Offensives contre Berlin 1813 https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k930995b.image
Haedecke - Bernadotte und die Schlacht bei Dennewitz for zoners https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/007898230