Paul L. Dawson
The author takes French casualties figures and uses them to see what part of units were engaged and which were in reserve so hardly had casualties.
He also points out the Prussian flank attack was very much expected by Napoleon long before it happened.
But his concussion, and picked this up as his book went on, is the least likely event you could experience is getting out right killed, POW or desertion is most likely. Getting wounded could cause dead days, months or years later.
There is a podcast also found on YouTube working through British units at Waterloo and the author there discovers Bull's I Troop also have very little casualties, so between these two recent findings has me interested to find more, though up until now was always lead to believe horrific casualty tales.
This is Paul's assumption, despite he cites quite a few sources contradicting his assumption pointing to that direction that Boney was completely surprised by the Prussians, best step to learn more about the battle is to learn French and German so you can read those sources as well.