Or let's see with google, in the past I could use it as a search tool to find books for download. Now in case I find only Leoaur offers of former scanned books, but I cannot find any down load links any longer.
I am looking for :
Sergeant Nicol: The Experiences of a Gordon Highlander During the Napoleonic Wars in Egypt, the Peninsula and France
Fighting Napoleon's Empire The Campaigns of a British Infantryman in Italy, Egypt, the Peninsular & the West Indies During the Napoleonic Wars
Von Joseph Anderson
There do exist funny offers of pdf downloads for free where you have to register first. I admit - I am confused, what search machine to use to find pdf downloads of books published ages ago and don't fall under copyright any longer.
Well, I reckon we've got this covered
Hi Hans
This may be of help
Law, EB (1911 ) With Napoleon at Waterloo: And Other Unpublished Documents of the Waterloo and Peninsular Campaigns, Also Papers on Waterloo by the Late Edward Bruce Low, M. A.
See pages 9. 86 and 205 for excerpts of Daniel Nicol
Did anybody so far read the "Leonaur" edition and does it contain more than in the above mentioned work? There his recollections are a joy to read I am contemplating to buy - once again - a printed version.
Robert Burnham gives in his fine overview on "British Memoirs of the Napoleonic Wars" the following data for Daniel Nicol, 92nd Highlanders (I mark the info / publication not yet mentioned):
"Nicol, Daniel. "Daniel Nicol's with the First Battalion of Detachments" in With Abercrombie and Moore in Egypt. Gibbs, Peter and David Watkins (Editors). Bridgnorth: First Empire; 1995. PB. Pages 14-34
Nicol, Daniel. "With Abercrombie and Moore in Egypt. From the Unpublished Diary of Sergeant Daniel Nicol" in With Napoleon at Waterloo and Other Unpublished Documents of the Waterloo and Peninsular Campaigns. Mac Kenzie and Mac Bride (ed.). London: Francis Griffiths, 1911. Pages 7-68.
Nicol, Daniel . "A British Prisoner in France, His Sufferings and his Adventures. From the Diary of Sergeant Nicol" in With Napoleon at Waterloo and Other Unpublished Documents of the Waterloo and Peninsular Campaigns. Mac Kenzie and Mac Bride (ed.). London: Francis Griffiths, 1911. Pages 203-244. Notes: Captured at Talavera, not released until 1814.
Nicol, Daniel. "The Gordon Highlanders in Spain, a Forgotten Page in their History; from the Unpublished Diary of Sergeant Nicol" in With Napoleon at Waterloo and Other Unpublished Documents of the Waterloo and Peninsular Campaigns. Mac Kenzie and Mac Bride (ed.). London: Francis Griffiths, 1911. Pages 86-111. Notes: Covered his time with the 1st Battalion of Detachments in 1809."
Best regards, Thomas
Thanks to all - I downloaded the book linked by John Fortune, and what can I say, started to read it and hardly could put it down, especially the experience of Nicol as a prisoner of war in France and his experience there (seemingly much better off the the other way round) lots and lots of interesting stuff to read there.
Extended excerpts of Daniel Nicol's journal - re. Aboukir &Alexandria, Talavera, and as a prisoner of the French, are reproduced here in 'With Napoleon at Waterloo,' 1911. The archive.org text is searchable. https://archive.org/details/withnapoleonatwa00macbuoft/page/n7/mode/2up?q=++Nicol++
Sergeant Nicol: The Experiences of a Gordon Highlander During the Napoleonic Wars in Egypt, the Peninsula and France Paperback – May 22, 2007:
It has been reprinted - Paperback – May 22, 2007:
Fighting Napoleon's Empire - The Campaigns of a British Infantryman in Italy, Egypt, the Peninsular and the West Indies During the Napoleonic Wars.
It has been reprinted: Broschiertes Buch: https://www.buecher.de/shop/englische-buecher/fighting-napoleons-empire-the-campaigns-of-a-british-infantryman-in-italy-egypt-the-peninsular-and-t/-/products_products/detail/prod_id/22750892/
Also, see: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/55804/55804-h/55804-h.htm
Note(s):Excerpts (with some revisions) from With Napoleon at Waterloo, originally published: London : F. Griffiths, 1911./
Note(s):Originally published in 1913 under the title Recollections of a Peninsular veteran./ "A brief history of Joseph Anderson's campaigns by Eric Sheppard has been adapted by the Leonaur editors from A short history of the British Army to 1914 first published in 1926"