Preußische Infanterieoffiziersuniformen 1806 und 1808-1813
Loïc Lilian21hThe Military Organization of Moldavia and Wallachia 1709-1821LikeReactions10 comments0Views
Kevin KashenFeb 09Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars by Esposito/Elting Bibliographie LikeReactions09 comments9Views
Eamonn O'KeeffeNov 30, 2023British military music and society, 1793–1815LikeReactions35 comments5Views
Michael LintFeb 09Chef d’escadron Chipault at the combats of Marienwerder & HeilsbergLikeReactions00 comments0Views
martin is doing an excellent work, he will also giving a lecture at comming week end at Markus Stein's symposium at Leipzig