As an author, I would like to draw your attention to my current publication:
Eckhard M. Theewen
Bibliotheca Napoleonica
Kritische Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Augenzeugenliteratur
der Napoléonischen Kriege 1804 bis 1815
mit Bibliotheksnachweisen und Online-Ressourcen
Geleitwort von Jean Tulard
Bibliotheca Napoleonica
Critical bibliography of German-language eyewitness literature
on the Napoleonic Wars 1804 to 1815
with library references and online resources
Preface by Jean Tulard
2 volumes, 1032 pages, numerous Ill.
Limited, numbered edition of 100 copies.
Koeln 2024
ISBN 978-3-89770-900-3
After 45 years of research, I have compiled more than 4,200 titles in this two-volume reference work, which is 1,032 pages long, and critically examined them. With bibliographic, library and online references. It is the first German exhaustive bibliography of memoirs from the Napoleonic period. With a foreword by Jean Tulard, the expert on French memoirs of this era, about whom he himself published a French bibliography in 1971 and 1991.
How are the two volumes separated? Alphabetically or chronologically?
I’m particularly interested in 1815. Have you considered a smaller, edition based around 100 days?