publishistory.wordpress.comMotivating the citizen soldiers: French troops and the Revolutionary Wars 1792-1802 (Part 1, by Valentin Boulan)The Revolutionary Wars, beginning in April 1792 when France declared war on Austria, were an inevitable consequence of the French Revolution, which generated ideas of democracy and individual freed… publishistory.wordpress.comMotivating the citizen soldiers: French troops and the Revolutionary Wars 1792-1802 (Part 2, by Valentin Boulan)Chapter One: ‘Aux armes citoyens!’ – Myth or Reality ? The formation of the Revolutionary army was a complex process, which took over a year and several enrolment campaigns to finalise. This progre… publishistory.wordpress.comMotivating the citizen soldiers: French troops and the Revolutionary Wars 1792-1802 (Part 3, by Valentin Boulan)Chapter Two: ‘Dedicated body and soul to the cause they served ’ According to Robben, fighting motivations can be divided into two broad categories: the original motivations to enlist, determined b… publishistory.wordpress.comMotivating the citizen soldiers: French troops and the Revolutionary Wars 1792-1802 (Part 4, by Valentin Boulan)Chapter Three: On the importance of Group Dynamics Studies about troop motivations have often been subject to a heated two sided debate, concerned by whether broad ideas or group dynamics within re…
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