I'm reading copies of the Austrian "Exercier-Reglement für die K. K. Cavallerie" and have come across some unfamiliar terms I'd like to clarify, so I'm wondering if the german speakers or musicians lurking here can perhaps assist.
In section 22 it deals with cavalry charges and it note that "Alle Trompeter antworten durch den zweyten Theil des Abbruches zu Pferd." I am presuming that the "Abbruches zu Pferd" are a series of cavalry trumpet calls and that this is then the second of those series of calls. Is there a specific military term in English for such trumpet calls?
Also there is mention of Ein doppelte Stösse, Zwey doppelte Stösse and Drey doppelte Stösse!. I take it these are respectively a single, double or triple call. The doppelte however is unfamiliar in that this seems to be a "double" or "dual" trumpet call. What type of call is this.
very interesting information about a cavalry charge had to be conducted - positioning of the sabre and lance, etc., but I cannot get the sense of Abruch zu Pferde - is this a signal?
One would have to read the whole regulation to find the part where it is explained. The Trompeten Stoß seems to be just a signal that the unit is read to execute the order - or when it has to execute it, so far my interpretation at the moment.
A pity that Dave Hollins left the forum - the only English speaking expert of the Austrian Army worth his salt.
Hi Hans
The expesssion is in section 22 of the 1806 Exercier Reglement and is used throughout the process of a cavalry regiment initiating and concluding a charge.
Von der Attaque
1 Attaque vorwärts
a typical extract to illustrate the details are on page 202
"Die Divisions Commandanten commandiren
Im Schritt Marsch
Alle Trompeter antworten durch den zweyten Theil des Abbruches zu Pferd
Der Stabstrompeter bläst
Drey doppelte Stösse"
Interesting Abbruch des Pferdes, doesn't sound at all like a trumpet call, more like when the original trumpet call is repeated, at what occasion is the original signal sounded? In camp?
Abbrechen can also mean to turn to a side and braking up ranks.
A Stoss- literally a thrust - but in this context a blow of air into the trumpet, not necessarily a full call more like compared with a drum, a double drum beat - double I would in this context see as in succession.
Maybe you could type out more of the text to see more of the context.