Hello everyone,
I am in the last stages of finishing my research on the officers and soldiers killed and wounded at the Battle of Thann. According to A. Martinien, Adjoint Capt. Ziemieki was wounded and later died of his wounds at the Battle of Thann. At the moment I have looked over C2 506 2e&3e Corps April 1809, but I am unable to find where he served. Also, I am looking for any help on two Aide de Camps who were also wounded at the battle. I was able to find S.Lt De Montmorency, but I am unable to find Capt. Bardout and Lt. Maussion. I appreciate any help that you can provide.
Thank you
Michael Lint
Ps. I am unsure if I am able to post a link to my blog on the research on the Battle of Thann, but I will include it just in case. https://uniformingthepast.blogspot.com/2020/07/1e-batallion-57e-regiment-dinfanterie.html
I appreciate all the help in my research project. I started this when I was furloughed due to COVID-19 and it has really helped give me a new sense of purpose. I am going to attach some of my work so far. Using Martinien work as my guide, I searched through YB and XB records from the SHD as well as Base Leonore and eventually found almost every officer and their wounds received. I was also able to find a few new names as well, but the majority of the groundwork was done by A. Martinien. I also decided to take on the tedious task of searching the controls de troupes on https://www.memoiredeshommes.sga.defense.gouv.fr/ which allows the reader to search all of the rosters for the line infantry regiments from 1803-1815. This is how I reached the numbers of killed, mortally wounded, and wounded Nco's and soldiers. Below is the 57e Ligne at the Battle of Thann on April 19, 1809. As you can see there are four officers that I have no information on at all and Capt. Jean Viala I am having a hard time deciphering the word that is shown on his service record. His reads as, " coup de feu au veutre ??? a 19 Avril 1809 a Thann"
I have finished the majority of the 10e Legere, 3e Ligne, 57e Ligne, 72e Ligne, and halfway through 105e Ligne. Also, finished the 5e and 7e Hussards who fought near the battle at the Combat of Dunzling under Montbrun. Then next to the other divisions.
57e Regiment d'infanterie Ligne:
Officers: 2 KIA, 1 MW, 16 WIA
NCO's & Soldiers: 79 KIA, 43 MW, 142 WIA, 4 written off rolls due to long absence in the hospital on 19 April 1809.
Killed In Action:
3e Bat. / 3e Co. Capt. Philippe Pezieux
1e Bat. / 2e Co. Lt. Antoine Alexandre Louis Marous
Mortally Wounded:
1e Bat. / 2e Co. S.Lt. Louis Francois Roasio: Died of wounds on 14 May 1809
Wounded in Action:
1e Bat. Chef de Bat. Jacques Brosset: Shot in the right thigh
1e Voltigeurs Capt. Bernard Hippolyte Pilhes: Shot in the chest
1e Bat. / 2e Co. Capt. Alexandre Massot: Shot in the chest
3e Voltigeurs Capt. Bernard Boyer: Shot in the right leg
2e Bat. / 1e Co. Capt. Pierre Bonaventure Chancel: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
3e Grenadiers Capt. Sernin Laffont: Contusion on the left arm
1e Grenadiers Capt. Jean Viala: Shot in the
Capt. Simon Pevet: Shot in the left foot
3e Bat. / 2e Co. Capt. Joseph Antoine Francois Gerbal: Shot in the inside of the right thigh
2e Voltigeurs Capt. Antoine Pelenc: Received two shots from a canister round: 1.) in the lower part of the right thigh 2.) In the lower abdomen
2e Grenadiers Capt. Laurent Bertet: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
1e Bat. / 3e Co. Lt. Melchior Peronnier: Sabre blow to the right forearm
2e Grenadiers Lt. Rene Claude Jean Raverat: Shot in the left hand
A La Suite Lt. Claude Saint-Cyr: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
3e Voltigeurs S. Lt. Joseph Olivier Dehemery: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
1e Voltigeurs S. Lt. Charles Basset: Received seven saber wounds to the 1.) left cheek 2.) lower lip 3.) right shoulder 4.) right hip 5.) right thigh 6.) left shin 7.) left leg
XB459 57.Ligne 1809
2YB320 57.Ligne An X.1811
2YB321 57.Ligne 1808.1815
GR 21 YC 473
GR 21 YC 474
GR 21 YC 475
From 1912 edition. VI, [2], 350 s., 8 k. tabl. : il., tab. ; 34 cm. :
p. 62: "Ziemercki, Leop., kap. 12.i.1807 [Pulk 2-gi piechoty] [killed] kaw[artł].poległ. przy marsz. Davout (raport 11.v.1809"
I have checked for 'Ziemieki' and 'Ziemiecki' in Stainlaw Loza's "Legja honorowa w Polsce 1803-1923" without result.
Maussion, lieutenant aide-de-camp, LdH nomination 1.x.1807:
Bardout, capitaine aide-de-camp LdH nomination 23.iv.1809:
Maussion, lieutenant aide-de-camp, LdH nomination 1.x.1807:
I am still on the hunt. <;>}
I note: “Adjoints d’etat-major. ... Ziemieki, capt. (Polonnais), B. 19 avril, combat de Tann (mort)." So he was Polish in the Polish military.
Guillaume Marie Anne Brune, en uniforme de capitaine adjoint en 1792 (1763-1815):
His next promotion was to Gen. de Brigade.
The 72e and 105e de ligne were both in Jean-Marie Destabenrath, it is quite possible Bardout and Maussion were his senior and junior Aides de Camp.
Just some thoughts.
Thank you for the great information Mr. Smith,
I was unable to find Capt. Bardout on the rosters, but was able to find a Capt. Germain Bardoux who became Aide de Camp to General Ficatier, the former Colonel of the 72e Ligne on April 23, 1809. He was also wounded on April 19, 1809. Like all names on the rolls, there are countless number of spellings for the same officer! The second picture is the Etat Nominatif for April 1, 1809, with Captain German Bardout as the commanding officer of the 3e Company/ 3e Battalion. Here is a snippet of the 2YB370 72. Ligne An IV. 1814 and XB487 72e. Ligne 1809. I believe I have found my man!
I found a 2e battalion Grenadier Captain Henry Maussion of the 105e Ligne in 1809. He was promoted Captain April 1, 1808, so I am guessing he would not serve as an ADC and leave his command of a company. To make things even more confusing on Base Leonore I found a Lt. Jean Julie Maire Maussion who was award an LdH after the Battle of Znaim. However, he served with the 11e Ligne and was not promoted Lt. until An 13. To throw one more twist into the story, part of his file has a service history that states he was wounded on April 19, 1809, serving as a Captain with the 105e Ligne! So it seems some of these files got mixed up due to no first name being cited on the document.
I appreciate the help!
I found this info on-line in 1805 Etat militaire de l'Empire français pour l'an Treize. [1805]. The 72e and 105e de ligne look promising. Might contact the lad at the url for Ziemieki as the spelling is not common and the date of death seems promissing.
Adjoint Capt. Ziemieki : Not listed for 1805.
N. Ziemięcki, deceased 1809. : https://rody.sustensis.co.uk/index.php?route=%2Ftree%2FRodowod%2Findividual%2FI1579%2FN-Ziemiecki
Capt. Bardout : 1805: Sous-Lieutenant, 72e de ligne [date of rank: 1er vend. An 8]
Lt. Maussion : two persons:
A: 1805: Lieutenant, 5e Legion de Gendarmerie.
B: 1805: Lieutenant, 105e de ligne [date of rank: 30 niv. 12].
With respect,